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Pleading for Human Rights and Climate Justice: Reflections on the climate hearings before the International Court of Justice

Date: 12 March 3 - 4:30 PM UTC, registration (Spanish translation available)

Date: 13 March 7:30 - 9 AM UTC, registration (French translation available)

A pivotal moment in the fight for climate justice! A campaign that originally started with 27 law students from The University of the South Pacific has culminated in the biggest climate case at the World’s Highest Court: advisory proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on State obligations in the context of climate change. From 2 to 13 December 2024, 96 States and 11 international organisations had the opportunity to plead before the Court in The Hague and present their arguments on States’ climate obligations under international law and human rights. This level of participation in ICJ oral hearings marks an unprecedented moment in history.

The release of the advisory opinion from the Court has the potential to become a vital tool in the fight for climate justice and a sustainable future, to hold States accountable for failing to uphold their obligations under international law, and to protect and guarantee fundamental human rights and the rights of those most affected by this crisis, including Small Island Developing States and future generations.

While the Court is deliberating, the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), World's Youth for Climate Justice (WYCJ), and Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC) are hosting a webinar to discuss and reflect on the arguments presented during the hearings. Looking ahead at the forthcoming delivery of the advisory opinion, speakers will also consider ideal outcomes and accountability pathways forward for after the delivery. This will present a unique opportunity for the audience to hear directly from diplomats and legal counsel who have been tirelessly working on this case, as well as from civil society and the youth who have been driving the campaign for the advisory opinion.

The webinar will be held twice: the West Call will take place from 3 - 4:30 PM UTC on March 12th and the East Call from 7:30 - 9 AM UTC on March 13th. The speakers are legal experts, many of whom have been directly involved in the ICJ advisory proceedings. The full list of speakers will be announced at a later date.

Register now:
West call: (Spanish translation available)
East call: (French translation available)

March 12

Pleading for Human Rights and Climate Justice: Reflections on the climate hearings before the International Court of Justice