Foundation details

Foundation name: Stichting World’s Youth for Climate Justice
Chamber of Commerce number (KvK): 83847952
RSIN fiscal number (Dutch tax file number): 863008331

Address: Fluwelenburgwal 58, 2311 CJ Den Haag
Seat: Leiden, the Netherlands


The objectives of the Foundation are: 

- to request an Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice on human rights and climate change; 

- to contribute to a global dialogue on climate justice and youth-led climate action; 

- to empower young people to engage in advocacy work on intergenerational equity and the rights of future generations; 

The Foundation shall make every effort inter alia to attain and accomplish its objectives by: 

- engaging young people in writing activities about climate justice; 

- contributing to intragenerational dialogues on climate justice; 

- amplifying stories from people affected by the climate crisis; 

- building civil society coalitions for the advancement of climate justice. 


Stichting World’s Youth for Climate Justice has a board with a Chair, Aoife Fleming, a secretary, Sumeyra Arslan and a Treasurer, Lianne Baars.

WYJC is committed to being an inclusive and democratic movement. Members from all parts of the world are welcomed to contribute to decision-making.

WYCJ is advised by an Advisory Group composed of trusted leaders in the fields of law, diplomacy, climate science and social movements.

Remuneration policy:
No remuneration can be granted to the Management Board members. Expenses will be reimbursed to the Management Board members on production of the necessary proof. Stubborn optimism to work on this ambitious and meaningful mission is the primary factor driving youth from World’s Youth for Climate Justice.