Inter-American Court
of Human Rights

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On 9th January 2023, Colombia and Chile submitted a request for an Advisory Opinion from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) on the “climate emergency: scope of inter-American human rights obligations”.

On December 18, 2023, the World’s Youth for Climate Justice (WYCJ) presented two briefs to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in its advisory proceedings on the climate emergency and human rights. This was in response to the Advisory request from Chile and Colombia on 9th January 2023. On January 22, 2023, the Court’s Registrar invited WYCJ to contribute to these proceedings.

The first brief, endorsed by several Latin American organizations like AIDA, CEJIL, La Ruta del Clima, and FACE, focuses on the differentiated obligations of states to protect children and youth in the climate crisis. Authored by youth who are part of WYCJ’s Academic Taskforce, the brief underscores the importance of integrating intergenerational equity as a legal-policy response to climate change.

The second brief, developed in collaboration with the International Institute of Social Responsibility and Human Rights and a team of young human rights lawyers from Latin America, delves into the intricate relationship between the climate emergency and human rights in the Americas. It emphasizes the need for effective climate policymaking and the protection of access rights in climate action.

Together, these briefs highlight the urgency of addressing climate-related human rights issues, emphasizing the role of the youth in shaping legal and policy frameworks for a just and safe future. Our submissions represent a critical engagement of young and vulnerable voices in the global dialogue on climate justice and human rights. We hope that this AO will provide guidance on how states can effectively address these challenges, emphasizing the importance of protecting the rights of present and future generations.

Our Briefs

