WYCJ in Latin-America

WYCJ’s Latin American Front is a regional campaign of the World’s Youth for Climate Justice to reflect regional priorities and perspectives in the advisory opinions on climate change before the International Court of Justice and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. We collaborate with regional and local human rights organizations, youth, and civil society movements in academic, capacity building, and policy initiatives.

In 2022, we worked to get as many Latin American States on board with the UNGA resolution that requested the ICJ AO on climate justice. Since March 29th, 2023, our goals have been to positively influence the participation of these states in the proceedings (with the inclusion of youth, communities, and strong human rights arguments) and build capacity in youth movements to effectively engage with these proceedings.

Follow our journey on Instagram @wy4cj.latam

To reach out to us, email: latinamerica@wy4jc.org

Our Team

  • Mariana Campos Vega – Front Coordinator (México)

    Mariana Campos is a lawyer with experience in public international law, human rights and environmental law. She co-founded Escazú Ahora México to accelerate Mexico's ratification of the Escazú Agreement and its entry into force in the region. Mariana led WYCJ's participation in the oral hearings before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on its Advisory Opinion on Climate Emergency and represented the organisation at COP28 and COP29. She was a student of the 2025 Winter Course at the Hague Academy of International Law and has also participated in the United Nations Career for Climate Action Programme, among other specialised courses in environmental and human rights law.

    Email: mariana@wy4cj.org

  • José Daniel Rodríguez-Orúe – Strategic Advisor (Costa Rica)

    José combines his experience in human rights law with a deep passion for climate justice, striving to bridge, States, youth, and institutions into meaningful global advocacy. He has worked as legal consultant for the Center for Justice and International Law, the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development and as Legal Assistant at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. He's currently pursuing an LLM in Public International Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

    Email: jose@wy4cj.org

  • Esteban Oyarzún Gómez – Campaigner (Chile)

    Esteban is a Graduate in Legal and Social Sciences from the Austral University of Chile. Co-founder of the Circle of Studies on International Human Rights Law (CEDIDH). Editorial assistant for the blog Agenda Estado de Derecho of the Rule of Law Program for Latin America of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

  • Laura Restrepo Alameda – Campaigner (Colombia)

    Laura is Co-founder and national co-facilitator of the Colombian Platform for Children and Youth. Educator and young leader of the Earth Charter International, national co-coordinator of the International Network of SDG Promoters Colombia, Vice President of Strategic Development at SPEED (Student Platform for Engineering Education), and member of the board of directors of the Green Chamber of Commerce for the period 2023-2025. Member of the steering committee of the Water and Climate Pavilion for COP29 on Climate Change. Part of the network of Young Leaders of the Earth Charter.

  • Rodrigo – Campaigner (México)

    Rodrigo is an interactive media designer and climate activist, with active participation in youth movements and NGOs since 2019, including key roles in the Re-Earth Initiative and Fridays For Future MAPA and Digital. He contributed to notable campaigns such as #EscazuYa and #ClimateJusticeIsRacialJustice. His focus lies in using design as a tool to inspire and generate a positive impact.

  • Isidora Halabi – Campaigner (Chile)

    Isidora is currently studying Law at the Austral University of Chile. As a Law student, she has been passionate about the area of International Human Rights Law throughout her career, participating in seminars, conferences, and assisting professors in research.

  • Alejandro Jaimes – Campaigner (Colombia)

    Alejandro Jaimes is a university student and socio-environmental activist from Bogotá, Colombia, with experience in planning demonstrations to demand the ratification and effective implementation of the Escazú Agreement. He’s part of the community conservation process of the “El Burro” wetland to protect water bodies and improve local climate adaptation. He is a facilitator at the Colombian Platform for Children and Youth, part of the communications team of the Regional Youth Network for Escazú, a member of the Youth Coalition for Loss and Damage, and the Regional Coordinator for Latin America of ANGRY.

WYCJ Latin-America in the media 

  • Organizaciones latinoamericanas se unen a campaña en búsqueda de una Opinión Consultiva sobre cambio climático de la Corte Internacional de Justicia. LINK 

  • Chile’s Voice in Climate Justice Needs its Youth: An Opportunity before the International Court of Justice? LINK 

  • WYCJ Latin America Hosts Regional Youth Gathering on Climate Justice. LINK


WYCJ Informe Juridica
Segunda edición: 2022

Manual para la sociedad civil

Documento Informativo

Breve Resumen

WYCJ Legal Report
Second edition: 2022

Toolkit for civil society

Campaign Brief

Youth Climate Justice Handbook (Español)

Join our team!

We’re actively seeking to bring on board young stubborn optimists ready to work together on this common cause.

If you’re interested in joining, please fill out this form!

- Clara Botto, Brazil

“I'm part of WYCJ because I believe that an Advisory Opinion from the ICJ is essential so that nature, our generation and the ones that are yet to come can have their existence secured with dignity and fairness”

- José Pablo Díaz, Costa Rica

“I'm part of this campaign because I care about the climate crisis and I believe in the human rights of my generation and future generations"

Our Friends of the Initiative

Climate Action Network Latino América (CANLA)

La Ruta del Clima

Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA)

Red de Juventudes y Cambio Climático de Costa Rica (RJCCR)

Instituto Internacional de Responsabilidad Social y Derechos Humanos

Fridays For Future Argentina


Mary Uyeno

Funcamino guardianes de la vida

Juventud del presente

Iniciativa Awaykuna

Hábitat Sivar

Mo’a Mau



Wings for Amazon project

Consejo del Pueblo Maya

Sustainable Ocean Alliance (Hub Ecuador)

Asamblea Comunitaria

Equipo Técnico Juvenil-Ascensión de Guarayos

Haka Nonoga

Sustainable Action Mood


Lab SumaPAZ

State of Youth @ Querétaro

Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climático

Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Corporación Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente (FIMA)


Sin Fronteras IAP

Nuestro Futuro México

Cambio Total

Unión Diversa de Jalisco A.C.

Girl Up México

Tejiendo Pensamiento

DAOT Portuguesa

Climate Action Network Latino América (CANLA) • La Ruta del Clima • Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA) • Red de Juventudes y Cambio Climático de Costa Rica (RJCCR) • Instituto Internacional de Responsabilidad Social y Derechos Humanos • Fridays For Future Argentina • EcoUcv • Mary Uyeno • Funcamino guardianes de la vida • Juventud del presente • Iniciativa Awaykuna • Hábitat Sivar • Mo’a Mau • ONG VIDA • Motum • Wings for Amazon project • Consejo del Pueblo Maya • Sustainable Ocean Alliance (Hub Ecuador) • Asamblea Comunitaria • Equipo Técnico Juvenil-Ascensión de Guarayos • Haka Nonoga • Sustainable Action Mood • CLIMALAB • Lab SumaPAZ • State of Youth @ Querétaro • Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climático • Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales • Corporación Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente (FIMA) • ASEDE • Sin Fronteras IAP • Nuestro Futuro México • Cambio Total • Unión Diversa de Jalisco A.C. • Girl Up México • Tejiendo Pensamiento • DAOT Portuguesa