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The ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change and the Law of the Sea: Impacts on Youth Climate Justice, International Law, and Human Rights

Date: 17 July, 15:00 CET

Location: Paris

Registration: here

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) has issued a groundbreaking Advisory Opinion on marine environment protection from climate change pollution. This clarifies States' legal obligations at the intersection of global commons — the ocean and atmosphere. ITLOS affirmed that greenhouse gas emissions harm the marine environment, requiring States to take necessary measures to prevent, reduce, and control them.

Given the ocean's critical role in climate mitigation, ITLOS' Opinion is pivotal in defining State responsibilities to curb ocean pollution and safeguard marine habitats and ecosystems for present and future generations. Notably, as the first Advisory Opinion on climate change from an international court, ITLOS' decision could influence forthcoming opinions from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) and International Court of Justice (ICJ).

In response, World’s Youth for Climate Justice and One Ocean Hub are hosting a webinar to discuss ITLOS' climate emergency opinion and its implications for youth climate justice, international law, and human rights, particularly in light of anticipated advisory opinions from the IACtHR and ICJ.

June 5

Repairing climate harm: Indigenous Peoples' contributions, community views & State responsibilities

August 14

Promoting Climate Justice: The Role of International Courts and Advisory Opinions