Friends of the Initiative

Institutions and Organisations

  1. Youth and Environment Europe (YEE)

  2. Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network

  3. Earth in brackets

  4. Ghana Youth Environmental Movement

  5. Island Innovation

  6. UN Youth Impact

  7. Baranquilla+20

  8. SOS UK

  9. SOS International

  10. Meg Wah

  11. European Youth Forum

  12. Green Africa Youth (GAYO)

  13. Liter of Light

  14. National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania (ANOSR)

  15. The Climate Fresk

  16. ClimaTalk

  17. La Ruta del Clima

  18. Environmental Law Clinic Paulo Nogueira Neto

  19. Climate Action Network - Latin America

  20. One Up Action

  21. Jane Goodall Institute France

  22. Climate Whistleblowers

  23. DWARS

  24. 1.5 Degrees of Peace/Global Sunrise Projet

  25. Surfrider EU - Eurocean Youth

  26. Loss and Damage Youth Coalition

  27. Voices for Climate Action

  28. Inter-American Association for the Defense of the Environment (AIDA)

  29. Fridays for Future Argentina

  30. EcoUCV

  31. Funcamino guardianes de la vida

  32. Juventud del Presente

  33. Sustainable Ocean Alliance Ecuador

  34. Nuestro Futuro A.C.

  35. Jóvenes Peruanos frente el Cambio Climático

  36. South-American Network for Environmental Migrations - RESAMA

  37. Plataforma Colombiana de Juventudes y Cambio Climático

  38. uno.cinco

  39. Latinas for Climate

  40. Iniciativa Awaykuna

  41. Hábitat Sivar

  42. Motum

  43. Wings for Amazon project

  44. Consejo del Pueblo Maya

  45. Equipo Técnico Juvenil de Ascensión de Guarayos

  46. Mo’a Mau

  47. Haka Nonoga

  48. Sustainable Action Mood


  50. Lab SumaPAZ

  51. Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

  52. ASEDE

  53. Corporación Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente FIMA

  54. Sin Fronteras IAP

  55. Cambio total

  56. Unión Diversa de Jalisco A.C.

  57. Girl Up México

  58. Tejiendo Pensamiento

  59. Climate Reality Project Latin America

  60. International Institute on Human Rights and Social Responsibility IIRESODH