Conversation on the ICJ, Climate Change & Human Rights Continues

On a hot summer day in July, WYCJ co-hosted a Conversation on the ICJ, Climate Change and Human Rights - the Pacific and the Caribbean connect at the Geneva Graduate Institute. The event was kindly sponsored by Sidley Austin LLP. 

When it comes to climate change, the Pacific and the Caribbean are arguably located in the most vulnerable regions of the world. Geographically, the islands of the Pacific and Caribbean are all low-lying small island developing states completely surrounded by water. The conversation focused on the importance of a human-rights based approach to climate justice to Pacific and Caribbean states, and the potential, the process and way tot get to the court. 

Our wonderful guests were 

  • H.E. Ambassador Odo Tevi, Vanuatu SPecial Envoy for Climate Change, Permanent Representative of Vanuatu to the UN (Keynote) 

  • Eden Charles, former ambassador of Trinidad & Tobago to the UN, Law Lecturer at University of West Indies

  • Dr Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, attorney at Blue Ocean Law, Assistant Professor at Leiden University & Senior Lecturer at University of the South Pacific 

  • Theresa Arnese, Human Rights Officer at the United Nations Human Rights Office in Geneva 

  • Cristelle Pratt, Assistant Secretary-General, Environment & Climate Action, Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States 

  • Nicolas J.S. Lockhart, lawyer specialized in trade law and the environment, Sidley Austin LLP 

We were very excited about the great virtual participation and interest in the event. Our audience members were a beautiful and powerful mix of policy makers, diplomats from embassies, students and campaigners, members of partner civil society organizations and academics. Due to the great interest of our audience, and the many open and remaining questions - we hope to host another event in the near future, or potentially a series of events to spread the message and broaden as well as deepen people’s awareness. 

Our legal advisor Justin Sobion and our campaigner Jule Schnakenberg co-moderated this event together. Due to some technical difficulties, there is unfortunately no recording of the event. However, we have a few photos for you below


WYCJ at the GCA Youth Dialogue on Adaptation Action


CANLA joins ICJAO Campaign