PACEY Prize Follow-Up

WYCJ won the PACEY Youth Award early 2021 and was invited for a Follow-Up meeting by the Basel Peace Office to Basel, Switzerland in November 2021. Our members Aoife and Jule took a train to beautiful (and very cold) Basel to meet the fellow winners from the European category, the Platform for Peace and Humanity, who are advocating for a right to peace. 

Read more about their work here, and follow them on twitter and LinkedIn

The follow-up meeting started with an informal, socially distant coffee-get-together before we moved to a public event at. Aoife and Jule shared what WYCJ had done with the initial seed-funding of 5000 Euros, and responded to critical questions of curious attendees, lawyers and local citizens. 


WYCJ signs for office space in The Hague


WYCJ campaigns at COP26