United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development consultation 2024

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development, Mr Surya Deva had organised consultation for the 2024 reports of the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to development on 8 May 2024. Mr. Deva will present two thematic reports in 2024: (a) a report to the General Assembly on “Climate justice: Loss and damage”; and (b) a report to the Human Rights Council on “The right to development of children and future generations”.

World's Youth for Climate Justice participated in the consultation to give suggestions on the report on "the right to development of children and future generations”. Justin Lim and Prajwol Bickram Rana represented WYJC in the consultation.

The session started with opening remarks of the Special Rapporteur and he highlighted the importance of the session. The floor was opened to voice concerns or provide suggestions for his report.

Justin gave suggestions representing WYCJ to the Special Rapporteur highlighting the significance of children in the decision making process. He added improving already existing mechanisms such as Environmental Impact Assessment which should provide a platform for children, youths and future generations to voice their concern. Justin concluded his suggestions by requesting a Special Rapporteur to look into the intersectionality within children, youth and future generations and give priority to climate vulnerable countries.

WYCJ is heartened by the enthusiastic participation of academic institutions and grassroots organisations from the Global South in the consultation. These participants stressed the importance of ensuring definitions of children and vulnerable communities were sufficiently broad to secure participation and protection for these groups vis-à-vis the right to development. Participants shared their concerns over how the right to development would interact with the right to development. (I think you wanted to say something else, can you correct it).

WYCJ affirms the important contributions raised in the consultation and looks forward to the final iteration of the Special Rapporteur's consultations on the right development.

By: Justin Lim


Highlights: Series of Workshops in Asian Universities


WYCJ participa en el Taller Latinoamericano de Opiniones Consultivas sobre Cambio Climático