WYCJ keeps the drumbeat going for the Youth Climate Justice Handbook at UNFCCC SB58
From 5th to 15th June 2023, the annual meetings of the subsidiary bodies #SB58 under the UNFCCC took place in Bonn. World's Youth for Climate Justice (WYCJ) and Pacific Island Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC) campaigners participated in sessions, followed negotiations and raised their voice about the huge opportunity the upcoming Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on climate change and human rights represents.
After the global and unanimous show of support for the Resolution brought forward by Vanuatu on UN General Assembly level this March, the process of drafting the opinion has started. The first step will be for countries to submit their ideas around the questions that the court will answer around the obligations of states towards each other, and towards their current and future generations, when it comes to climate change.
Vishal Prasad (PISFCC) presents the Handbook to YOUNGO on 8th June 2023
PISFCC and WYCJ, supported by lawyers, have worked hard to make this process as smooth as possible. We presented the Youth Climate Justice Handbook: a legal memorandum presenting state of the art arguments for climate justice. During the conference we spoke with state representatives, civil society and ambitious youth about the upcoming AO.
WYCJ convenes a briefing for YOUNGO
One of our highlights was a meeting with YOUNGO, the youth constituency of UFNCCC, to discuss how we can take this forward within our different capitals. We had the fortune to organize an action day at the conference itself and present our Handbook and the campaign from our booth.
WYCJ organizes an action at the central location of the conference hall on 13th June 2023
WYCJ convenes a CSO briefing on the Handbook on 9th June 2023
On 9th June, we organized a CSO briefing on the Handbook and upcoming milestones in the campaign that representatives from Fiji to Costa Rica attended.
Mert Kumru, European Front Coordinator, speaks at protest on 9th June 2023
Mert Kumru, European Front Coordinator, was invited to speak at a protest outside SB58, where he called for global solidarity and support for bringing youth voices to this landmark ICJ case.
A big thank you to all the campaigners on the ground, who organized meetings, attended bilaterals, spoke at events and participated in actions! We are excited to take the work forward and will continue to spread the world.