WYCJ Presents at 35th LAWASIA Annual Conference

On 20 November 2022, Shannon Peters presented at the 35th LAWASIA Annual Conference as a panellist for the Environmental Rights session held at the Hilton in Sydney CBD, Australia. Shannon spoke about the ICJAO on climate change, highlighting the role of the World's Youth for Climate Justice and Vanuatu in leading the charge for this important campaign.

 Chief Justice Brian Preston chaired the session, with Shannon's co-panellists including Matt Floro (President of the National Environmental Law Association), Dr Jonathan Liljeblad (Associate Professor of Australian National University) and Elizabeth Orr (Deputy Registrar of the Land and Environment Court of NSW).

The audience was very receptive to the ICJAO, and several members reached out on how they could support the campaign.

Interested in joining the Asian front? Get in touch with the Asian front coordinators here.


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