WYCJ Publishes Second Edition of Flagship Legal Report

Last year in July 2021, WYCJ with Normandy Chair for Peace published a comprehensive legal report which analyses the need for an adviosry opinion on matters relating to human rights law and climate change law. Since then, WYCJ has come a long way and expanded into a strong network on all continents. To mark these significant developments and to elucidate WYCJ’s journey, we are launching the Second Edition 2022 of the legal report Human rights in the face of the climate crisis: a youth-led initiative to bring climate justice to the International Court of Justice’, edited by members of Academic Taskforce. The report is WYCJ’s foundational work and stands as a basis of the forthcoming legal publications.

As there have been transformational developments in the international environmental law in the past year, WYCJ is more determined than ever to keep campaigning for such an advisory opinion. Thus, the report takes into account the relevant developments of law from the domestic, regional and international adjudicating bodies which have reiterated the need for stronger and ambitious climate policies and legislations to protect human rights from the adverse effects of climate change. While making this analysis, it justifies the need for this advisory opinion with a rights-based approach and elucidate the on-going high-level developments to move the International Court of Justice.

WYCJ is thankful to the editors and contributors of this edition: Lianne P. Baars, Lorenzo Cintori, Elisa Granzotto, José Rodríguez, Manon Rouby, Atina Schutz, and Aditi Shetye.


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