Princess Laurentien launches Coalition for AO at Peace Palace

On 7th of October 2021, Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands launched a coalition of youth, children’s rights and climate organisations calling on the government of the Netherlands to support the request for an ICJ Advisory Opinion on climate.

The coalition was launched during WYCJ’s Intergenerational Dialogue organised during Just Peace Month in The Hague. The event had a video message by Mayor of The Hague, city of international peace & justice, Mr. Jan van Zanen, and a keynote speech by Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands.

The Intergenerational Dialogue discussed the inequities that children, youth and marginalized communities are facing due to the climate crisis, and recognized the powerful role youth play in driving climate ambition.

A report of the event can be read here.

The event was organised by World’s Youth for Climate Justice, UN Youth Impact, the Nationale Jeugdraad, the Jonge Klimaatbeweging, SDG Nederland, Milieudefensie, Defence for Children, Greenpeace Netherlands and Both ENDS.


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