WYCJ Team in Germany holds first-ever event for German-speaking audience on the Advisory Opinion

We were excited to see that the Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen (DGVN) partnered with WYCJ advocating for international collaboration for peace and a sustainable future. The event was chaired by Sophia Andion-Wessel and had live interpretation into English and German. After some introductory remarks by Oliver Hasenkamp from the DGVN highlighting the importance of the United Nations and international collaboration in the spirit of the UN Charter, Jule Schnakenberg from WYCJ  thanked the DGNV and invited all members of the audience to become  part of this global movement. 

We were especially honoured to have had a video message by H.E. Bob Loughman, the Prime Minister of Vanuatu. This was followed by a powerful message from Vishal Prasad from Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change. This was followed by introductory remarks by our wonderful speakers followed by a Q&A session with the audience. 

  • Prof. Dr. Hermann E. Ott, Leiter des deutschen Büros von Client Earth

  • Miriam Saage-Maaß, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights

  • Fabian Gacon, Jugenddelegierter für nachhaltige Entwicklung

  • Isadora Cardoso Vasconcelos, IASS Potsdam

We thank our speakers for the wonderful and enriching contributions and look forward to be the next step on this journey. The next step on this journey is building a coalition of civil society organizations supporting and actively advocating for the ICJAO. 

We hope, that Germany will support the initiative for an ICJ Advisory Opinion on climate change and human rights. Watch this space for more updates from our team in Germany. 

Watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/wkHjwtWYLAA 


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