WYCJ co-host third Webinar in series in collaboration with the Normandy Chair for Peace: Roads and Bridges

This event is the third in a series of four global webinars being held over 2021/2022 to consider a range of issues concerning the value of such a case, what to ask the court, how to win the case and how the outcome could be implemented.  

The first webinar held in June 2021 focused on the importance of climate litigation and assessed lessons from other Advisory Opinions, in particular the historical 1996 ICJ opinion on nuclear weapons.  You can watch the recorded sessions on facebook. Session 1. Session 2. The second webinar in August 2021 focused on the sources of law to draw upon to build the case, including international agreements, customary international law, general principles of law and judicial decisions in domestic courts.

This third webinar The World Court and Climate Change: Roads and Bridges, will focus on building the global campaign to ensure that political obstacles to reaching the court can be overcome, and to help win the case once it is in the court.

We had two sessions offered; Session A for our audience based in Asia/Pacific/ Europe and Session B for our audience based in Africa, the Americas and Europe. Both sessions had English and French interpretation, Session B also allowed for translation into Spanish. 

Session A was chaired by PISFCC’s awareness chair Atina Schutz. After opening remarks by the Director of the NCP Professor Emilie Gaillard, our speakers 

  • Dr Kate Dewes (New Zealand). Disarmament and Security Centre. Co-founder, World Court Project on Nuclear Weapons and International Law. Member, UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters 2008-2013.

  • Hon Saber Chowdhury (Bangladesh). Honorary President, Inter-Parliamentary Union. Member, High Level Panel on Common Security. Co-President, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.

  • Disha Ravi (India). Co-founder, Fridays for Future India.

took over the floor. The session was concluded by Jule Schnakenberg inviting people and organizations to become a part of this global coalition advocating the Advisory Opinion as a powerful contribution towards intergenerational equity and climate justice. 

Watch the recording here: https://fb.watch/c450owJrSm/

Session B was chaired by the former campaigner for the ICJ Advisory Opinion on Nuclear Weapons Alyn Ware and was also opened by Emilie Gaillard. 

Speakers included 

  • Miguel Van der Velden, journalist and sustainability expert from the island of Aruba

  • Maria Espinosa, President of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly (2018-2019). Member of the World Future Council. Former Ambassador of Ecuador to the UN, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defense and Minister of Heritage (joined from Washington D.C., USA)

  • Khulekani Fah, theologian and climate justice activist (based in South Africa)

  • Adrian Martinez, Consultant and Researcher in Climate Governance and Public Participation, Director of La Ruta del Clima (based in Costa Rica)

We are grateful for the insightful contributions by our guests and speakers and look forward to working alongside them to take this forward. 

Watch the recording here: https://fb.watch/c44YyUZvQZ/


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