WYCJ presents Youth Climate Justice Handbook to Caribbean leaders
You can join the Caribbean front at hi@wy4cj.org
Climate justice is more than an movement but a freedom and a privilege that we as young people are strong advocates for and deserving recipients of.
Left to right: Lee-Ann Sackett (Vanuatu ICJ team), Ashawnté Russell (WYCJ), Hon. Ron L. Redhead (Minister of State for Youth, Sports and Culture), Justin Sobion (international lawyer)
As we near COP28, we kept our moment going strong into the month of November. From the 6th – 8th November, the Caribbean Region was scheduled to held its first Written Submissions Workshop or ‘Writeshop’ In order to build capacity and strengthen the context of the submissions extended to the International Court of Justice in accordance with the January 22nd 2024 deadline.
Left to right: Hon. Joseph Andall (Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Export Development), Justin Sobion (international lawyer)
Unfortunately, due to some logistical challenges, the physical Writeshop was postponed pending its new proposed timeframe. In the interim, were able to present copies of the Youth Climate Handbook Summary for Policy Makers and Legal Memorandum (Parts 1 and 3 respectively), to the Hon. Ron L. Redhead, Minister of State with responsibility for Youth, Sports and Culture, and the Hon. Joseph Andall, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Export Development. The new proposed date for the Writeshop is TBD and States will continue tasks and preparation in accordance with this event. We also aim to engage with the Ministry of Youth for Grenada and hope to use this opportunity help bridge the gaps that exist in intergenerational climate justice and education for youth.
We will continue to we shift full gears towards supporting and acquiring written submissions from across Caribbean in support of the ICJAO. By doing this, we aim to make the difference in allocating the much needed support and accessibility to our region as our generation continues to be the battle cry for future generations.
The Youth Climate Justice Handbook is available here.